City Game Namur

City Game Namur

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Go to "Sherlock Holmes Namur"

Sherlock Holmes Namur

Discover Namur with the fun and exciting Sherlock Holmes City Game! Can you solve the murder of Balthazar?

Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery

City Game Namur

Discover Namur like never before with City Games Namur. Our games take you to places you would never discover on your own. Learn fun facts about the city or step out of your comfort zone. Take on challenges with a small group of friends and family or head into the city for a company activity. Everything is possible with a City Game!

In this historic place, there is a lot to see. The city is atmospheric, convivial, and definitely worth a visit. Moreover, the capital of Wallonia has a citadel that none of the other cities in Belgium can match. Visit the citadel of Namur, check out the Eglise St Loup, and enjoy the fine Walloon cuisine! If you want to experience a unique Namurois culture, consider going to 'joust on stilts'. The annual Combat de l'Échasse d'Or (Fight for the Golden Stilt), is held on the third Sunday in September. In this event, there are two teams; Mélans, and the Avresses. Both teams are dressed in medieval clothes while standing on stilts and battle in one of the town's principal squares. During our City Games, we try to show you as much as possible of what the city has to offer.

Looking for a place to stay after playing a City Game in Namur? 

After you've played one of our great City Games in Namur, it's time to rest. This city has a wide range of hotels

Discover like a local 

Want to get the most out of your trip to Namur? Take a look at our blog: The best place to see in Namur. After reading this blog you will know where to go on your trip to Namur. Want to have a sneak peek? Frondy des Chiens is one of the best spots to visit in Namur.
