City Game Bogotá

City Game Bogotá

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Sherlock Holmes Bogota

Discover Bogota with the fun and exciting Sherlock Holmes City Game! Can you solve the murder of Balthazar?

Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery

City Game Bogotá

The city of rhythm; music and coffee! Bogotá is a city in Colombia- the county in South America. If you have heard of Colombia before, you must know that it is synonymous with culture, tropical rainforests, nature, and beaches, of course! The city is located in the Andean Region, one of Colombia’s six regions.

Bogotá dates back to 1538, therefore it is safe to say that the city has been in existence for over 400 years. Now, the city is one of the most important in the Americas, with a robust population and exports of crude oil, petroleum, coffee, coal, and even gold! The city now has a robust population, from 68 indigenous groups, a gypsy population, and the raizal and Afro-Colombian groups.
Enjoy the diversity of Bogotá with one of our City Games!

Other cities in Colombia

Looking for a place to stay after playing a City Game in Bogotá?

After you've played one of our great City Games in Bogotá, it's time to rest. This city has a wide range of hotels.

Discover like a local

Want to get the most out of your trip to Bogotá? Take a look at our blogs. After taking a look at them, you will start getting an idea of your next destination wishes.
